too pretty to frown ▼

everyone's a sinner
bunnies and snakes ye
fang's up ♥

the sound of rain droplets leaves my heart shaken up;
all picture credits to the respective owners
moon and stars eyesmile
Wednesday, January 18
11:32:00 PM ; Random

A thousand apologies for posting on your blog without your permission. You may wish to delete. I believe that you know who I am.

But I can't believe you still blog. How do you make time for it? XD

I love you xoxo (I feel so girly)

This is fun writing on someone else's blog.

Shake that bun bun for your (potential) boyfriend


I had nothing to do so I read my old blog and creep into your blog.

Can't wait for the holidays then I'll be able to go out with you guys.

(~ºwº)~∆ Here's a dorito chip for you.

(omg if you do get angry at me for randomly posting on your blog. please tell me. >.< lol)

okie that's all.

I vill see you soon.

[a/n] lol omg i love you and you sounded so serious in the last line, it cracked me up

Sunday, January 15
1:00:00 AM ; a post before i pass out

guy on twitter shocked me by replying to my tweet
been some time since we last talked hahahaha
nothing special between us tho just mutual friends :)
fang's up

Sunday, January 1
11:02:00 PM ; warning: lapslock ahead

okay still no laptop, but i couldn't wait so here goes.

what can i say about you, sigh. you've been pretty kind to me. made new friends, bumped into old ones. discovered a little bit more about myself. got myself in awkwardly hilarious situations. average grades and gpa. met someone. five years with bestfs.

even tho i'm still the awkward child that i am. even tho i'm still lacking as an early childhood educator, a muslim, a daughter, a sister, a friend. even tho my self esteem is still at the lowest.

despite all, twentyeleven had been a fairly okay year. twentytwelve, let's go!
fang's up.

2:44:00 PM ; goodbye twentyeleven

hi twentytwelve.
will do up a more /proper/ post later (when laptop is back from repairs)
fang's up .